


Full Power have been at the forefront of commercial water solutions since the market de-regulated in 2017, which opened up all commercial and non-household customers in England & Wales to competition. the company’s water procurement and bill validation portfolio currently contains large I & C multi-site organisations to single site SME’s.

Full Power go further than other utility brokers by completing a forensic tender. the company does this by populating a water tendering information table, using a site list and the national water database (CMOS). This enables Full Power to identify any water meter that has entered the commercial water market and can be contracted outside the default supplier. 


Full Power’s water services are designed so that you never have to pay more than you need for the water you use. for most businesses the company can identify further savings through one or more of the following:

Tendering the open market and switching to the most beneficial water retailer contract 

Bill validation 

Metering Management 

Full Power present finally recommendations based on competitive and transparent market information, showing your wholesale service, retail service cost and the savings from your current default supplier. Full Power’s fees for water procurement services are paid directly by the water retailer. 

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