



Does It Matter Where Your Business Is?

Does It Matter Where Your Business Is? On the face of it you would probably say ‘No’ but in the realms of energy, the answer is definitely ‘Yes’. Why? That’s because if you had your business in Wales, you will be paying around £2000 more than if your business was in...

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Switching Surge Amidst Rising Prices

Switching Surge Amidst Rising Prices Ofgem announced that the energy price cap will increase by 10% on October 1st has sparked a significant surge in energy supplier switching. In a new report, August 2024 saw a staggering 293,000 changes of supplier a 33% increase...

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Gas Prices to Fall in The New Year?

With mild temperatures and imports of LNG at record levels gas prices to fall in the New Year? With coal fired generation falling and soon to be phased out in the UK, gas fired generation will remain an important part of the energy mix. Gas generally provides between...

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Ofgem Issues Final Order to Gnergy

Ofgem Issues Final Order to Gnergy Ofgem Issues Final Order to Gnergy. Energy company, Gnergy Ltd, has missed its deadline to meet its Renewable Obligations. Furthermore, it has not provided Ofgem with adequate assurances that it will pay by the late payment deadline...

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Do You Drive an SUV?

Do you drive an SUV? If so, it’s the second largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions from 2010 to 2018, according to an article in the Guardian. The growing demand for SUVs, which doubled their global market share from 17% to 39% means their annual...

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