Does your business have a gas boiler? Do you know its efficiency?
Does your business have a gas boiler? Do you know its efficiency? Then Optiburner is the solution for your business. Introducing Optiburner Optiburner is a proven, versatile energy-saving solution designed for various commercial and industrial heating systems. It...
Does It Matter Where Your Business Is?
Does It Matter Where Your Business Is? On the face of it you would probably say ‘No’ but in the realms of energy, the answer is definitely ‘Yes’. Why? That’s because if you had your business in Wales, you will be paying around £2000 more than if your business was in...
Ofcom’s Connected Nations 2024 report highlights significant strides in UK broadband and mobile connectivity
Ofcom's Connected Nations 2024 report highlights significant strides in UK broadband and mobile connectivity: Full-fibre boom: Nearly 70% of UK homes (20.7 million) now have access to full-fibre broadband, a substantial increase from the previous year. Gigabit-capable...
One Touch Switching: A Simplified Approach to Broadband Changes
One Touch Switching: A Simplified Approach to Broadband Changes A significant development for UK broadband consumers occurred on September 12, 2024, with the introduction of One Touch Switching. This new process aims to streamline the often-complex process of...
UK Government Advances Great British Energy Bill
UK Government Advances Great British Energy Bill The UK government is taking a significant step towards expanding domestic green energy production with the introduction of the Great British Energy Bill. Set for its second reading in the House of Commons today, the...
Switching Surge Amidst Rising Prices
Switching Surge Amidst Rising Prices Ofgem announced that the energy price cap will increase by 10% on October 1st has sparked a significant surge in energy supplier switching. In a new report, August 2024 saw a staggering 293,000 changes of supplier a 33% increase...
The Carbon Trust: A Global Leader in Sustainability
The Carbon Trust: A Global Leader in Sustainability Michael Rea's Appointment The appointment of Michael Rea as Chief Executive Officer marks a new chapter for the Carbon Trust. Rea, who was appointed on August 1st brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the...
Why UK businesses should embrace renewable energy
Why UK businesses should embrace renewable energy There are many reasons to embrace renewable energy. As we know, switching to renewables is a key step in slowing down climate change and preserving our planet. In addition, the UK government has pledged to reduce...
Coal-Fired Electricity – Biggest Annual Fall on Record
Coal-fired electricity - biggest annual fall on record this year. After 40 years of growth in coal use adding massively to the current climate crisis, coal powered stations are being shut down. It’s expected to fall by 3% in 2019, which doesn’t sound much but it’s...
Heliogen is launching a new venture that could help replace fossil fuels.
A Californian company called Heliogen is launching a new venture that could help replace fossil fuels. With Bill Gates as one of the backers Heliogen is launching a new venture that could help replace fossil fuels. The company is launching a new venture with a new...
Gas Prices to Fall in The New Year?
With mild temperatures and imports of LNG at record levels gas prices to fall in the New Year? With coal fired generation falling and soon to be phased out in the UK, gas fired generation will remain an important part of the energy mix. Gas generally provides between...
Ofgem Issues Breeze Energy With A Provisional Order
Ofgem issues Breeze Energy with a provisional order Ofgem issues Breeze Energy with a provisional order which means they have to pay £486,232.06 including interest in Renewables Obligation after they failed to pay into the buy-out fund or present the required number...
Nabuh Energy Ltd– Issued With Provisional Order-Removed
Ofgem Issues Provisional Order to Nebuh Energy - Removed Ofgem Issues Provisional Order to Nebuh Energy, in accordance with section 25(2) of the Electricty Act 1989 (EA89) 31st October 2019. Nabuh Energy failed to meet its Renewables Obligations (RO), because it did...
Ofgem Issues Final Order to Gnergy
Ofgem Issues Final Order to Gnergy Ofgem Issues Final Order to Gnergy. Energy company, Gnergy Ltd, has missed its deadline to meet its Renewable Obligations. Furthermore, it has not provided Ofgem with adequate assurances that it will pay by the late payment deadline...
Do You Drive an SUV?
Do you drive an SUV? If so, it’s the second largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions from 2010 to 2018, according to an article in the Guardian. The growing demand for SUVs, which doubled their global market share from 17% to 39% means their annual...
The Smart Export Guarantee – New Scheme for small-scale renewable energy generators
The Smart Export Guarantee - New Scheme for small-scale renewable energy generators. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is introducing the scheme (SEG) to replace the Feed in Tariff (F.I.T.) scheme which closed to new installations in...
Ofgem accused of stalling electric vehicle rollout
Ofgem accused of stalling electric vehicle rollout The Energy Regulator, Ofgem, has been accused by Scottish Power of stalling the UK’s rollout of electric vehicles. They say its totally disconnected with Britain’s climate policies and plans to reduce greenhouse...
Total Gas and Power Take on Rutherford’s Customers
Total Gas and Power have been appointed by OFGEM to take on supplying Rutherford Energy Supply Limited’s (trading as Uttily Energy) 280 business customers. Total Gas and Power will honour any money owed to customers with open accounts with Rutherford, up to a total of...
When’s GREEN not GREEN? When it’s an REGO
Research reveals only around 40 of the 355 suppliers they surveyed offered renewable electricity tariffs. However, out of those 40 suppliers, some don’t actually generate renewable electricity themselves, or don’t buy renewable electricity directly from generators....
3000 hours of coal free electricity generation
Last year, a record 33% of electricity was generated by renewable energy sources in the UK. Coal accounted for only 0.6% of electricity production from April to June 2019, according to latest statistics from BEIS: more than 3,000 hours without using coal this year,...
The UK’s efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions has slowed, falling by 2.5% last year.
That’s according to latest figures from Ofgem which reveals 2018 saw the smallest reduction in cutting emissions down from a 3% fall the previous year, since 2012. Transport continued to be the single largest source of carbon emissions, although emissions fell...
Do small and medium-sized businesses get a raw deal on energy services?
According to a new poll commissioned by Ombudsman Services, many feel like they do – the survey of more than 600 firms shows nearly a third of SMEs think they get an unfair deal when buying and using energy and other essential services compared to residential...
For all of you that like graphs – this is for you-enjoy!
Energy Managers Say Sustainability Not a Priority
Only 18% of UK energy managers have said hitting sustainability targets is their main priority. That’s according to a 500-person survey commissioned by npower Business Solutions, Energy HQ, in which half of energy managers admitted saving money remains their primary...